Ahaban – The Green Leaf Foundation is set to raise funds to sustain and expand one of its flagship charitable projects – the Mobile Shelter Program.
This program provides warm meals and food boxes to hundreds of homeless and underprivileged men, women and children in the city of Accra. They do this through bimonthly food distributions, monthly food box distributions as well as clothing donations and health screening exercises. In the last four years, Ahaban together with their partners and donors have been able to distribute over 15,000 warm meals and 7,000 food essential boxes.
Their target is to raise GHS 100,000 which would go into acquiring a food van to expand their donations, as well as putting up an Ahaban shelter where they’ll store donations and package the meals and boxes that go out to our beneficiaries.
This concert which stars Adina, Trigmatic, Susan Augustt, Asi Renie and Tommy WA, will be one major step towards achieving this target. Early bird tickets are currently on sale for GHS 70.00 here: https://ayatickets.com/en/event/ahaban-benefit-concert
The concert is set to take place on Friday, 19th November at Alliance Francaise.
Ahaban GLF is Ghanaian non-governmental organization, registered under Ghana’s company’s codes, 1963, Act 179 and with registration No. CG167462015. The organization is built on a growing network of volunteers and donors, working to improve education and healthcare in communities across Africa.
They do this by initiating long term projects that will help achieve the general UN Sustainable Development Goals in quality education, good health and well-being as well as providing donor and volunteer support for other organizations. For more information you can visit ahabanglf.org
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Facebook: Ahaban GLF