Empire Foundation, spearheaded by EIB Boss, Nathan Kwabena Anokye Adisi (Bola Ray) and his wife, Mrs. Dorcas Anokye Adisi has presented some items to the SOS Children’s villages.
The foundation as part of its annual visit to the Children’s Village donated items donated include bags of rice, cooking oil, cleaning supplies, Sanitary products, noodles, exercise books, drinking water, beverages, Clothes, shoes and an undisclosed amount of money.
Accepting the foundation’s kind gesture, the Board Chairman of SOS Children’s Villages, Mr Christian Appiah heaps praises on Bola Ray and his Wife for supporting the Children’s Villages consistently for 13 years.
He said, “As Ambassador for SOS Children’s Villages, we are grateful for your constant support, thank you for supporting the well-being of Children for 13 years and we also entreat you to invite others to come to our aid”.
Bola Ray speaking on behalf of the foundation also added that, “We will ensure that there will be more support even from the diaspora to backing this advocacy. Empire Foundation will always be back to support the SOS” Bola also acknowledged, JayKay Industries Limited Twellium, Lele Foods and all individuals for supporting the donation.
Bola Ray and his Empire Foundation have made it a duty to help provide the needs of the children. The donation took place at the SOS Children’s Villages headquarters at Asylum Down on Friday, April 1, 2022. Empire Foundation supports the SOS Children’s Villages, Ghana to enrich the lives of the children housed there.
According to managers of the foundation, “Ongoing welfare monitoring of the previous year’s beneficiaries indicates that our annual donations go a long way to supplement the resources available to the children. With help from our benevolent partners in 2017, we were able to adopt a house for 12 months, which ensured adequate shelter, nourishment, education, outfitting, upkeep, and nurturing of over 10 beneficiaries. “
The Children’s Village, which provides a community for a perfect family strengthening system, was opened in 1974 and has since raised many astute and talented children. In the village, 15 SOS families provide a “loving home to children who are no longer able to live with their parents for a myriad of reasons,” according to operators of the home.