If you have your Ghana card, you’ve got to keep it well, folks.
So I went to visit a brother at Lashibi, then I joined a passenger bus to Circle. I was at the front with this driver, since the front seat can accommodate only one passenger. But after alighting at Circle, I realised my wallet was gone, and my pocket material was out. I presumed it fell off in the car, or it was removed by someone, I suspected the young driver as well.
Guys, this wallet contained all the necessary cards you could think of, voter’s I.D, Driver’s license, and ATM cards, coupled with some amount. But for some little cash I had on my momo wallet, I would have been stranded in town. Fast forward, I kept procrastinating on going for a police report to help replace my lost items, until I mistakingly misplaced my Vodafone chip as well.
I was at the Vodafone office since that had some cash on it, but they couldn’t assist me with reason being that, I will need a Ghana card for the replacement.
This took me to the police station for a report; then proceeded to the head office of NIA only to be redirected to the Elwalk Sports Stadium which has been designated for lost card replacement. Charley, the number of people at the premises was simply overwhelming.
Then whiles waiting, one of the offices came to inform us that for a successful replacement, the police report should highlight:
i. when your card got missing
ii. how it got missing
iii. where it got missing
Without these elements, your day will be unfruitful; everyone should take note.
Luckily for me, I went through the process successfully after a paying for Ghc30.00, but one gentleman who was right in front of me, got his report rejected.
Funny enough, the dude told me he’s got thirteen brothers in the police service so getting a report was easy, for it was even prepared and brought to him in the comfort of his office.
I’m sure you will be wondering if I received the card on the same day; no please, a notice was given that replacement cards will be received three weeks after filling the report, and identification.
This is the situation cherish reader.
Ghana card has come to stay, and I hope It can take me to America, for that’s what I heard earlier, no visa.
Enjoy your weekend, family!
Keep yours safe, please!
(Written by: Elliot Borketey Bortey)