The 10th annual Ghana DJ Awards, Africa’s biggest DJ event, is just around the corner, and it is time to nominate candidates.
Nominations for the Ghana DJ Awards, which is now running for the tenth year, is open on August 23.
Merqury Republic are seeking nominations for DJs who have done significant things worth recognizing and celebrating and during the year under review; from September 2021 to September 2022.
The awards mainly aim to celebrate and recognize DJs for their contribution to the development of the Ghana music industry and entertainment on the electronic music scene.

Nominations open on Tuesday 23rd August for 14 days.
The various stages of the Ghana DJ Awards process begin with DJs, Music artistes, industry people and fans submitting entries, which are then screened for eligibility and category placement.
The Nomination Jury, all involved in the creative and technical processes of recording, production and Disc Jockeying, then participate in (1) the nominating process that determines the four or six finalists in each category; and (2) A percentage of the final voting process goes to the Voting Academy and the general public which determines the Ghana DJ Awards recipients (winners) after an audit by a professional firm.

Anyone wishing to make a nomination can visit entry.ghanadjawards.org from August 23 to submit an entry.
Ghana DJ Awards are seeking as much information as possible including links, videos, and other references, and are asking those sending nominations to offer a contact name and email or contact of the person being nominated.
Ghana DJ Awards is organized by top event production company Merqury Republic to celebrate the country’s most creative, influential professional DJs at work today and latest discoveries.
Can you nominate yourself?
- Yes! And you can nominate as many people as you want to, including yourself, for any number of categories you wish.
Are nominations binding (i.e. will you or the candidate you nominate be definitely shortlisted in the final nomination list)?
- No, they are not. After the public nomination period is done, the next step would be for the Ghana DJ Awards jury to shortlist entries based on merits and data.
For further info, get interactive via: Website, Twitter & Facebook.
(Source: Ghana DJ Awards)