George Wiredu Duah as he is called in real life but known in showbiz circles as NanaYaw Wiredu is running a free online music master class aimed at helping the next generation of music and entertainment executives in Ghana.
According to the founder and creative director of Oneplay Africa and its affiliates, NanaYaw Wiredu mentioned that mentoring is something missing in our industry in Ghana.
He also mentioned that he noticed that all the entertainment platforms, both traditional and digital are focused on the news and trends but no one is taking the time to assist the next generation of music and entertainment executives to understand the business side of our industry.
In talking about why he decided to do this series, NanaYaw Wiredu said with over a decade of experience in the industry that cuts across all sectors such as Publishing, blogging, PR, events management, artiste management, and talent PR he sees this as his contribution to the development of our industry.
He said:
I have been fortunate to work as a newspaper publisher with 18newspaper while in tertiary, as a blogger I was called NanaYaw18.com, a Publicist for Empire Entertainment, Hype Records, Ticketdoug, PR for The genius keyboardist Kwame Yeboah and the Ohia be ya band, Guru, Ruff N Smooth, Edem, Highly spiritual music, Kwabena Kwabena, Abeam Danso, Yaayaa, Mike of Mentor fame, DKB the comedian, Lexis bill the presenter, the late Vybrant Faya, and many others.

I have also managed artists such as NanaYaa, Dflex, Mzbel, just to list a few. As an event organizer, I have worked on Ghana Muslim Achievers awards, Bisa Kdei’s Thanksgiving Album launch, Mimi of Big Brother album launch, Mzbel at 10 concerts, Ghana Meets Naija, Afronation Ghana, Bavaria Big in Ghana, Ghana spectacular for the Golden Tulip Hotel, and MuseBOQ parties, among others; so, I have a lot of experience under my belt to share.
My social media manager career, producer for Vibe FM, TV 3’s Xlive, lifestyle TV, and other online shows has not been counted hence I believe that I have a lot to share with young ones who aspire to be in our field.
The technicalities in our field especially the music side is a lot, it mostly ignored because it is difficult to explain but easy to understand when done right hence as a former member of the Tigo music team that introduced Deezer to Ghana, I think I have gone through the mill to be able to guide young people in that direction.
The online series is free and it’s running on Oneplay Africa pages on social media and my personal handle @iamnanayaw18 for free, he ended.
For every young person out there, who wants to be the next generation of leaders of music and entertainment executives, this Music Master series is designed for you.