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Knii Lante berates Habib Iddrisu over ‘serious’ advice to John Dumelo


Knii Lante berates Habib Iddrisu over ‘serious’ advice to John Dumelo

Ghanaian musician Knii Lante has lashed out at Habib Iddrisu, the Member of Parliament for the Tolon constituency, for a comment he made about John Dumelo during his vetting.

At the vetting held on February 25, 2025, Habib advised John Dumelo, the Deputy Minister Designate for Food and Agriculture, not to treat his new job as the movie industry.

“You are not in your movie industry, try to be as serious as you can,” he said.

This statement did not go down well with most creative arts people who believe it is condescending to their trade and craft.

Knii Lante, also a medical doctor, vented his displeasure to the matter, when he appeared on Daybreak Hitz with Doreen Avio.

Unhappy with the MP’s comment, Knii Lante said, “the doctors and the lawyers that rule the country year and year out, look at the nonsense we’re in. How dare we think people are stupid?”

He also recalled a similar incident where despicable remarks were made about actress Grace Omaboe (popularly known as Maame Dokono),

Knii Lante emphasised that music and movies are not just for entertainment.

“You haven’t even considered what really the spectrum of music is. Look, music is not for only entertainment, movies are not only for entertainments. Some are for education purposes. You understand? Some are to gather community around a certain drive. So many reasons; some are for health purposes. So how can you come up with such a statement?” he asked.

Knii Lante’s reaction echoes the sentiments of many in the creative arts industry who feel Habib Iddrisu’s advice to John Dumelo was condescending to their profession .

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Theophilus Nii Amarh Tawiah is a smart young man who has a passion for technology and the creative art industry. His past work traversed on engineering operating systems, hardware, networking, and Research. Nii Amarh who holds a Professional Diploma in IT system engineer is a fan of Caribbean and Afrobeats. Samini, he says was the key point of motivation for him to love music more since childhood. Theophilus vision is to take IT to rural areas.

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