Radio Broadcaster “DJ Yoga “ has commenced a new show on Bisame Tv called “Yen Pass Time “ whose goal is to promote young creatives in the entertainment space as part of his contribution to the development of the Industry.
The show provides a platform for young entertainers to market their crafts to a live audience online and network with other young creatives. The show is broadcasted live online on Bisame.com , Bisame App on all stores as well as Bisame Platforms On Social media. The show happens every weekday at 5pm to 7pm.
Young and energetic, DJ Yoga often puts young and talented artists on to perform their songs and promote their discography. The twists and turns that accompany it makes it very entertaining and joy to watch. He shares inspiring words and promotional ideas with these artists to help steer their own careers in the right direction.
His style of interviewing is unique but gives him off as being a Ghana Institute of Journalism trained journalist as he turns to probe issues affecting creatives musicians especially when it concerns Talent development.
Young Creatives that wish to be featured can reach out to DJ Yoga on his social media platforms and submit their work.
Twitter / Tiktok : Dj_YoGa_
Facebook/Instagram : DJYoga Ghana
YouTube: Bisame Tv
Facebook: Bisame
Instagram: BisameOfficial
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