“When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.”~The scriptures proclaim!
From the cradle to the grave!
Moments come, moments go!
Our loved ones live tracing memories!
Oh, life, like a cloud of smoke it goes into the air, never to return back to earth!
But it lives memories, oh sweet memories!
He embraced life to the fullest!
He gave the best of himself to humanity!
He held on in the midst of pain!
He confided in friends and loved ones, in the traumatising moments!
He was misconstrued at one point in time!
He was vilified, amidst the pain!
But in all these, he fought on!
Oh, yeah, he didn’t take his life!
But, fate, oh that which can’t be predicted!
Fate sends him to the world of the unknown!
You made us happy some moments ago!
You brought smiles to the faces of many!
But then again, I guess your breath couldn’t hold on for a moment!
You got to close the curtains!
Journey on Papa!
“Yaa w) ojogban Ataa Adjetey”!
RIP great one!
May we have a sober reflection on life, folks!
It is well!
(Written by: Elliot Borketey Bortey)