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Enock Agyapong petitions Ghana Police Service to commence criminal proceedings against Hon. MP for Tema west for violating The Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851)


Enock Agyapong petitions Ghana Police Service to commence criminal proceedings against Hon. MP for Tema west for violating The Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851)

The outbreak of COVID-19 is not an issue to take lightly because it’s a worldwide pandemic Which means disobeying the prevention protocol should certainly warrant some form of punishment devoid of whoever is involved.

Concerned citizen, entertainment pundit and executive producer Mr. Enock Agyapong has penned down a petition to the Ghana Police Service to commence criminal proceedings against Honorable MP for Tema West Mr. Carlos Ahenkorah’s malversation when he violated The Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851) during the primary registration, knowing very well he was  supposed to be under self isolation for contracting the virus.

Below is the copy of the petition, download and read:

Petition Tema West

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