Ghanaian gospel artist Enuonyam is set to unveil her latest single, “Hallelujah Holy,” on July 31, 2024. Inspired by the profound descriptions of God’s holiness found in the book of Revelation, this song serves as a heartfelt expression of worship.
Enuonyam shares, “When I think of ‘Hallelujah Holy,’ I envision the heavenly scenes described in Revelation, where the majesty and holiness of God are magnificently portrayed. This song is a heartfelt tribute to the purity and reverence of His presence, inspiring continuous worship.”
With “Hallelujah Holy,” Enuonyam aims to transport listeners to a place where they can experience the awe-inspiring imagery painted in the book of Revelation. The song’s message of praise and adoration invites listeners to join in heartfelt worship, emphasizing the holiness of God and the transformative power of His presence.
Enuonyam, a Reverb Studios signee, has been captivating audiences with her soul-stirring music and vocal abilities for years. Following her earlier release in January this year, “Kyere Me Kwan,” Enuonyam continues to inspire with her deeply spiritual music. “Hallelujah Holy” will be available for streaming on all major platforms starting July 31, 2024.