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Ghana Division 2: Emmanuel Damatey’s lone goal secures win for Tema Royal Anderlecht


Ghana Division 2: Emmanuel Damatey’s lone goal secures win for Tema Royal Anderlecht

Emmanuel Damatey came off the bench to score his side only goal against fair point of Kpone at Tema community 4 part early hours of Sunday morning.

Emmanuel who was signed last season came off the bench to produce a man of the performance after heading home a corner kick.

Royal Anderlecht have started this year’s  Ghana division two league on a high momentum. They are yet to lose a game and they  joint on points with the league leader and a game to spare.

Expectation are high as the Tema New Town based group are bound to meet all requirements for division one next season.

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Theophilus Nii Amarh Tawiah is a smart young man who has a passion for technology and the creative art industry. His past work traversed on engineering operating systems, hardware, networking, and Research. Nii Amarh who holds a Professional Diploma in IT system engineer is a fan of Caribbean and Afrobeats. Samini, he says was the key point of motivation for him to love music more since childhood. Theophilus vision is to take IT to rural areas.

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