See, guys forget politics; there’s something about African women heh, when it hits you, you will really know the colour of love!
Put off all the artificial enhancements, with it’s outrageous financial drains from the hardworking coffers of most Ghanaian men, yes put it off in relative to this particular piece!
Just take a look, a second look at an African woman on her naturals, even the much celebrated ‘Cinderella’ with all her Royal beauty is no match to an African woman, with that ebony skin glowing in the wilderness!
An Empress, that is what she should be called!
A rare sight to behold, soothing to the eyes, pushing one to ascribe praises to the omnipotent father, the greatest artist, one wise one whose wisdom is infinite, salute Baaba!
Her majestic steps with shoulders high, makes her stand tall among her contemporaries, a true beauty, that of an African!
Big ups “Ohemaa Wo Y3 J3”!
Season’s greetings family, remember, even though miscommunications leads to complications as Lauryn Hill mentioned, the price of liberty is also truly eternal vigilance.
Let’s be extremely Vigilant out there!
Best of the weekend!
(Written by: Elliot Borketey)