In this episode of Inspirational Chat, we bring you a conversation with the Founder and Executive director of Girls Support Movement, a Teacher, Philanthropist and Health Advocate, Joyce Konadu Idun.
She started her career as a teacher within the Greater Accra Metropolis. Due to her outgoing personality she was nominated after a few years as the Girls Coordinator of the school.
“Initially, I didn’t see this as an opportunity to directly influence the ‘girl student’ because I was just there to work, save money to further my education of becoming a Land Economist until I was confronted with a very emotional story of a ‘girl student’.”
During a chat with Joyce, she shared her story about how an experience with a young girl who got pregnant due to some financial difficulties led her to start her foundation.
”There is this brilliant girl who got pregnant with a boy within the community. My further investigation revealed that the boy demands sex as a reward for the financial support he grants this girl. The details of how much he gives this girl for school and the parental conspiracy deserves no audience.”
According to her the brain behind the foundation is to give young girls the needed support and education on sexual and reproductive health.
Highlighting some difficulties they face, Joyce said human resource such as doctors, nurses, psychologist, etc and finances are a few of what they lack in the foundation. The teacher and health advocate added that building integrity and trust among the populace is what brings more support for the NGO.
Having the aim of impact in the mind, the foundation has an upcoming sustainable girl development project that seeks to support young girls sustainably in education, TVET and Capacity building.
Joyce further advises young girls to put all effort in whatever field they find themselves and enjoy the stress because it will pay off someday.
(Source: Emmanuel Donkor)