Ghanaian rapper, Keeny Ice is out with his debut Six (6) track compilation, “Border Vibes” Ep today, digitally via all music streaming platforms worldwide.
The Ep signifies the end of an era that saw him rise as a young talented rapper from the border town of Aflao in the Volta region and the opening of a new chapter that will see him conquer the rest of the world with his creative ability.
Stream on YouTube
Executively produced by Mo’shes music and DS Media, the songs chronicle the struggling life of a young boy raised by his maternal Grandmother who otherwise wanted his grandson to be a suit and tie guy but he rather defied the odds to pursue his passion as a creative who is good on the field of play, can dance to entertain his neighbors and also rap till the sun goes down.

Upon encouragement from his close associates and mentors who saw the burning desire in him, he decided to explore possible avenues available to get his voice heard by the world. He came through as a unique rapper with the unpopular street language “Adza” widely spoken by the people of Aflao and some parts of Togo to win the hearts of men in the Volta region and Ghana at large. He won multiple plaques at the Volta music Awards including “Artiste of the year”, three times winner of the “Best rapper of the year” category to substantiate his strength as leader of the new generation. He currently has 3Music Awards nominations and a few from Nigeria and Togo respectively
The doubts, high and low moments, an appreciable fan base and social media following and how he was able stretch his fan base to Togo, Nigeria, Benin fueled this body of work that has been in the studio for about two years now.
Songs on the Ep were produced by his day-one producer, Two Bars under the watch of his Godfather, Seshi who has always supported his craft in both cash and kind.
Stream below
- Apple music – https://music.apple.com/gh/album/border-vibes-ep/1552265445?ls
- Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/album/4IYasSlRZ1iQtac4jFyrV4
- YouTube (Lyrics) –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBJoY7L_Nbg&list=PL5TZj9myZrCp9CjuvLrO2KiFSv0jec7gG
- Audiomack –https://audiomack.com/keeny-ice/album/border-vibes-1
- Soundcloud –https://soundcloud.com/keenyice/sets/border-vibes/s-KpdeIiRB4Ub
- Amazon –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08W1M7LH7?tag=songwhip05-21
- Amazon music –https://music.amazon.co.uk/albums/B08W1M7LH7?marketplaceId=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&musicTerritory=GB