Apparently, hi life crooner Kurl Songx is highly disappointed and heart broken about an ongoing occurrence he has no control over. This has ended him to be extremely bitter about it. Speaking with Andy Dosty on Day Break Hit on Hitz FM this morning, the singer accused his former label “Highly Spiritual” boss Kaywa for copyright infringement.

According to him, he’s the original composer of Mr. Drew ft Krymi & Sarkodie’s “Dw3” but his voice was altered out. To cement the foundation of the allegation he made against Kaywa, he clarified that the ideology behind the song “Dw3” was to do something similar to his debut hit single “Jennifer Lomotey”.
In spite of what has been said, the singer concluded he’ll allow the incident lay to rest without pressing charges against his former label boss. Kaywa is yet to respond to Kurl Songx allegation.
Story by: John Claude Tamakloe