Lvin Red delivers a new sound titled ‘Class Acts’ with outstanding wingmen Fricky, Boss Bouncy, Kobby G, Kay-Ara and NLMGNM on a fire Hip-Hop instrumental by ace producer, NLMGNM as he prepares to release his debut album ”Faith, Hope and Love” which is to hit stores and streaming services worldwide on 29th April, 2020.
One would ask why the title ‘Class Acts’?
Class Act/s as defined by Oxford is a person or thing displaying impressive and stylish excellence and these artists/rappers delivered nothing short of this definition. From tightly knit bars to multi syllabic rhyme schemes, metaphors and punchlines, this record is very reminiscent of what rap music used to be back in the day. Truly, experiencing these artists spit hot 16s in this friendly order is quite refreshing amidst all the tension and craze going on currently in the Ghanaian music industry in these times of lockdown with some old industry rap beefs making its way back into the scene coupled with a lot of Hip-Hop music releases.
Easily ‘Class Acts’ tops it all and will definitely leave an indelible mark on everyone who listens. You’ve read enough, it’s about time you dived right into this record and experienced excellence for yourself and oh, do share with your friends who love, they will be very grateful. Cheers! Stream here: https://www.fanlink.to/classacts

LYRICS: https://www.musixmatch.com/fr/paroles/Lvin-Red/Class-Acts-Fricky-BossBouncy-Kobby-G-Kay-Ara-Nlmgnm
Artist: Lvin Red
Contributing Artists: Fricky, Boss Bouncy, Kobby G, Kay-Ara, NLMGNM
Produced by: NLMGNM
Written by: Melvin E. Asare, Jerry Aye-Boyin, Victor Benyitibu Benamba, George Adu-Boahene, Roger E. Quansah
Studio: TH. SDNCE
Engineering: NLMGNM
Executive Producer: Melvin E. Asare
Powered by: Truu Indie