It is becoming increasingly important in today’s fast-paced world for every Ghanaian to have a fundamental understanding of legal concepts and the laws of the land. The knowledge when acquired will empower people to navigate various situations with confidence and make informed decisions.
That will be the focus of the new season of Law Express which premieres on 28th February 2024 on Metro TV at 9PM and Pan African TV on 4th March 2024 at 9PM according to the host of the show, Nuhela Seidu. This season is expected to show every week till the end of the year.
“Without a doubt, it is very important to place a focus on the protection of rights and interests. The foundation of any functioning society hinges on the citizens understanding their rights, interests and responsibilities. Basic legal knowledge ensures they know what they are entitled to and what is required of them”, Ms. Seidu added.

Law Express is a social service program designed to educate the general public on the operation of the law and the constitution of the Republic of Ghana in an easy to understand manner. Currently, it is a highly rated programme among Ghanaian professionals and valued by lovers of good television content.
The topic for the first episode is “The lawyer – Client relationship; Obligations of the Client”. The show will delve into an attorney-client relationship which is formed when a lawyer agrees to provide legal assistance to someone seeking the lawyer’s services with emphasis on the responsibilities of the client.
The show promises to be very informative and exciting with two respected legal practitioners joining Ms. Seidu on the show to discuss the obligations of the client where the lawyer is expected to proceed in a manner reasonably calculated to advance a client’s defined lawful objectives.
Don’t miss the premier of the new season of Law Express on 28th February 2024 on Metro TV at 9PM and Pan African TV on 4th March 2024 at 9PM. The weekly episodes air on Wednesdays on Metro TV at 9PM and Mondays on Pan African TV at 9PM.