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Qwasi Blay settles score with playmate


Qwasi Blay settles score with playmate

Ghanaian actor Qwasi Blay is making remarkable strides in the movie scene. The fertile gem is seen away pulling weights in the Nollywood locale.

Most Wanted as nicknamed, inks one yet again back home being missing in action after sometime in a Nana Ghanaba film, directed by Nana King and Jameel Buari, titled “In Between”, that also starred Roselyn Ngissah, Prince David Osei, Rabby Bray and Fred Sarpong.

The movie tells an interesting story that caught the characters marooned in between options. Qwasi Blay picks on his childhood friend in a captivating role display. Once again, showing how flexible and resourceful he is in delivering tasks given.

In Between, premieres in the cinemas on Saturday, 5th of April, 2025 at the Accra Mall and West Hills Mall, 7pm and 9pm respectively.

Kindly follow Qwasi Blay (Facebook: Qwasi Blay, — Instagram & Tiktok: @QwasiBlay) on all socials for exclusive updates on his film journey.

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Theophilus Nii Amarh Tawiah is a smart young man who has a passion for technology and the creative art industry. His past work traversed on engineering operating systems, hardware, networking, and Research. Nii Amarh who holds a Professional Diploma in IT system engineer is a fan of Caribbean and Afrobeats. Samini, he says was the key point of motivation for him to love music more since childhood. Theophilus vision is to take IT to rural areas.

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