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Rapper Mo Nicole teases fans with the behind the scene shots of ‘Gallon’ ahead of the release


Rapper Mo Nicole teases fans with the behind the scene shots of ‘Gallon’ ahead of the release

Mo Nicole’s Gallon video shoot

There has been a high demand for the official video for American rapper Mo Nicole’s newly released single ‘Gallon’. The modus operandi behind the song is to inspirit her fans particularly plus-size women and, everybody across the globe to push themselves beyond their comfort zone. Certainly, I know you can’t wait to see the video, so do I. The release date will be communicated when the time is due.

Click the link to enjoy ‘Gallon’ –

Mo Nicole on set shoot Gallon video

It’s objective to note that, she is a living example of what she preached in her song. Though she is plus-size she has taken it upon herself to make exercise her daily lifestyle to keep in shape, look more attractive, and most importantly very healthy. This didn’t happen by luck, it was something she was very decisive about and made it happen.

One thing you need to know for sure is, unlike any other female rapper, Mo Nicole’s ‘can do’ characteristics, unstoppable optimism, confidence, dedication, and consistency towards her craft will effectively radiate in anybody who listens to her music.

Story by: John Claude Tamakloe.

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