Money is a can’tdo without; even scriptures mentioned that “money answers all things.
But money as a medium of exchange denotes that, it needs to be worked for.
Money should have a circulation effect.
Society has projected financial gains and extravagant life style as a mark of success.
Society has looked down on a section of folks putting on great efforts into trade; in other to have a living.
Society has branded some people poor and others rich.
Society has created classes among humanity.
Just imagine this temporary world; in which humans keep dying each passing day.
This is the world we have embraced so much and making strenuous efforts to “make it” by foul or crook means.
A world in which youths keep competing with adults in “Worth displaying” games.
My society, your society, our society have thrown away good virtues like integrity, diligence, patience, industriousness, trustworthiness, obedience, and the fear of God in exchange for an “extravagant life style”.
If you don’t own a car in Ghana, you might perhaps be considered as being poor, or not meeting the status quo.
Who bewitched?
How did we get here!
Is there an adult watching?
Where are the major stakeholders?
The child rights advocates, and the various teenage advocacy groups.
Unconsciously, we seem to be breeding social vices.
Gambling and adverse fraud have taken a center stage in the metropolis.
The cosmopolitan cities have been turned into a haven of wickedness.
Sad is an understatement!
Yeah, very sad.
We’re breeding theft, robbery, gambling, and spiritual darkness in broad daylight.
If you say a prayer, please remember the young adults, for the future is blurry.
Perhaps it’s about time we take a second look into our moral values; yeah, we’ve got to.
Perhaps it’s about time we teach the youth “the concept of Capacity building”, as my father Rev Prosper Asamoah will always say.
Money is the less of God’s blessings, and like the spirit of “mamon”, it has the tendency to cause evil when you attach greed to it.
Society is in decay!
Someone needs to wake up!

The Kasoa incidence is perhaps giving us that sense of reawakening.
Rest in peace little one!
Rest in peace gentle soul!
May God help our homeland Ghana!
It is well!
(Written by: Elliot Borketey)