It’s lengthy but worth reading. In a recent conversation with a bespoke Ghanaian international fashion mogul KOJO.VANDIE concerning architectural identity, its importance and monetary values, his suggestions are worth sharing.
He defines the term ‘Architectural Identity’ as the practice and the art of designing and building structures to fit the needs of a community. Architectural designs mainly focus on elements and or various components of a structure. The mixology of beliefs, values, relationships, symbols systems, etc is communicated interactively through architecture. Below are some of the salient points he established.

Economic Values:
• There are several economic concepts known to real architects in Ghana and as far as economics is concerned Architecture does not exist outside any localized or state economy as a whole and as a matter of fact how we build now and or in the future as a nation will have direct effect on the economy of our towns, cities and the overall economy going forward.
• Architecture on a practical basis can heavily influence the good function of communities, in lots of little ways, such as nudging people towards social engagement via the spaces and flows they create or allowing for renewable energy production and use.
• It will also be unwise to emphasize that on a completely abstract level Architecture. This will always orient communities beautifully and feel alive, spaces and or places that people will simply love to be because they feel right, fitting the local geography and culture. All this without a shadow of a doubt will increase productivity and good public mental health in the long run.

Significants Of Architectural Identify:
Architecture is in existence to form the physical environment within which we as a people live, it is also without a doubt not just the built environment but an important part of our culture; it represents how we see ourselves and ultimately how the world will see us.
The Need To Embrace Architectural Identify As a Country:
This is the new world, we are approaching the 5th industrial revolution and he does not see much of a unification Architecturally speaking especially in our so-called “modern Ghana”. Some of us just don’t seem to agree on legacy or worse still do not understand the need for it.
Understandably there are varying and valid priorities however whoever is responsible for a collective pursuit of legacy should employ more compelling methods of communication in an attempt to persuade citizens of Mother Ghana and Africa to unify around the realities of Architectural identity, its benefits and importance in a well-organised society.

Attitude Towards Architectural Identify:
Our attitudes towards modernity have disadvantaged many in parts of our communities in unimaginable ways. Not enough thought-provoking conversations are happening in the fields of literature and or creativity. Resident experts aren’t respected enough to be heard or encouraged to lead.
We fail to train properly so we import what we already have. The reality is that the only way to correct attitudes in Ghana is by applying design in every area and aspect of Ghanaian society. Meaning everyone everywhere should be able to experience the design revolution, most importantly it should be made a priority for every young mind.
Investing In Architectural Identify:
His idea will be to invest in architectural identity locally to ensure there is greater control. It’ll be extremely silly to employ unnecessary foreign influence which in his view will almost harm originality and in the long term, we’ll get lost in translation.
Investment should be localized, it should come from the sons and daughters of the land, from scholars, designers and financiers. Ultimately the contributions we made yesterday through our education systems should be the investment we encourage and attract. Unfortunately, there is no set of magic words available for transformation. As humans, we have complete authority on design ideas and their representation with our communities.

Mediums To Promote Architectural Identify:
Within the framework of Academia, Literature and Architecture as an Art form should be thought of and promoted as a state agenda so much that the very few who can move forward in the field will be able to present ideas via designs that will shape our collective society. The extravagant mansions up and down the country are amazing testaments to individual or family wealth, but as a collective, the question is what are we proud of in the Architectural space? He questions.
Understandably, we as people and our institutions responsible for thinking and applying initiatives are at least 3 decades behind most parts of the world, however, heritage is timeless and there is the urgent need to start continuing conversations and debates covering all areas of human civilization and advancement. The time to do this is now; and should be realistically encouraged at every level and almost constantly to help shape the minds of locals, diasporas in the field of structural Design and Architecture to push the envelope in designing lasting projects that can impact the world around them.

KOJO.VANDIE’s Experience As Traveler:
Culture is irrelevant without identity and vice versa and a level of unity anchor it all down. The architectural component of every culture gives a nation a sense of uniformity and an organised societal feel. State security alone is enough argument for me to promote and embrace a uniformed architectural identity since most public services will be delivered with much efficiency and quality across the country if embraced at least within the context of the public good. Every Fashion collection starts with an inspiration and as a designer and architecture enthusiast, he has used architecture in this capacity from research to finalize sketches etc.
The experience of being able to run research academically within the boundaries of this inspiration for garment construction is a great example of the need to give future generations who choose to operate in the creative fields the opportunity to challenge their abilities and be proud of who they are and what they represent by using local resources like architectural structures.

Call To Action Plan To Embrace Architectural Identity:
Most communities have critically varying priorities that can’t be underestimated or disrespected under any circumstance. And even though there is a blurred line when it comes to the planning and execution of politically motivated projects, scholars and designers should step forward and be ready to present compelling societal shaping initiatives that can and should occupy the third eye of politicians and leading public institutions.
Furthermore, it will be a collective good to debate around these topics to prompt a wider audience, something he strongly believes will go a long way in motivating the Ghanaian public and also serve as a reminder of the bigger picture to students studying the subject and observers the world over.
Facebook: Kojo Vandie
Twitter: kojovandie
Instagram: kojovandie
LinkedIn: Terry Kojo
Written by: John Claude Tamakloe.